Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Difficult to defecate? 9 Food and Drink It May Be Helpful

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Difficult to defecate? 9 Food and Drink It May Be Helpful


Jakarta, It's difficult bowel movements, constipation, or whatever the name is really very torturous. The stomach feels heartburn but the dirt does not also want to be thrown away.


Constipation or constipation generally takes place because of the lack of fiber groove. However, lack of exercise and stress can generally also be so severe. Especially if you include also people who do not often drink water. Enough water needs and a high fiber diet and regular exercise can avoid constipation from your everyday. But if it's an emergency and you're hard to change your lifestyle, the consumption of nine drinks and food may be helpful. Also read: This Routine Can Help Avoid Constipation on the Little One


Summarized detikHealth from various sources, Friday (16/10/2015), the 9 drinks and foods that can ease constipation.

1. Raspberries

Raspberry is one of the fruit with high fiber content. So security, you should put this fruit in the fridge until it does not need complicated when constipation attack.

2. Coffee

Cafein contained in coffee not only make the brain more fresh and alert. The content of caffeine in coffee also stimulates the contraction of the large intestine, which can make smooth flow of water.

3. White water

Dehydration is one of the most important causes of constipation. Fulfill the need for water to urinate smoothly. Do not forget to multiply water especially on hot days or during sports.

4. Orange

Not juice or juice, oranges are more useful when consumed intact. Research to open one citrus fruit has a content of 2 grams of fiber that need to be added to different consumption so that fiber needs are fulfilled.

5. Plum

Plums have been known since the days of ancient Rome became a dirt diluent. One small fruit has one gram of fiber that is good for colon health.

6. Popcorn

Having the basic ingredients of corn kernels, popcornya in fact also has fiber content. One number of popcorn has a content of about 1 gram of fiber.

7. Spinach

Spinach is indeed a vegetable that many benefits. One handful of boiled spinach contains 4 grams of fiber and more than 150 mg of magnesium.

8. Yogurt

Although not yet scientifically proven, probiotic bacteria that exist in yogurt recognized healthy digestive tract. The healthier of your digestive tract, the further the risk of constipation.

9. Red rice

One cup of brown rice has a content of 3, 5 grams of fiber, which means red rice is one of the most important ingredients to avoid constipation. (mrs / up)



Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Erkennen der Ursache von Verstopfung beim Fasten und wie man es überwinden kann

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Erkennen der Ursache von Verstopfung beim Fasten und wie man es überwinden kann


Jakarta, Es ist sehr verärgert, wenn Sie Verstopfung oder schwierigen Stuhlgang (BAB) haben. Wenn Sie diesen Magen so unangenehm haben, wurde die Aktivität gestört, ganz zu schweigen von Fasten. Normalerweise, was verursacht es? Die häufigste ist, wenn der Mangel an Ballaststoffen und Flüssigkeiten, sagte Dr. Hendra Nurjadin, SpPD-KGEH aus Mayapada Krankenhaus Tangerang in Live-Chat "Verdauung bleiben gesund beim Fasten" gehalten tetikHealth und detikForum, Dienstag (30/5/2017) .dr Hendra, wie er angesprochen wird, sagte, Menschen, die Fasten durchführen, werden sicherlich einen Mangel an Flüssigkeiten erfahren. Wenn beim Fasten viele Male trinken kann, sollte beim Fasten weniger als 12 Stunden weniger getrunken werden. Lesen Sie auch: 5 Gewohnheiten beim Fasten machen schnelle Säure




Dieser Mangel an Flüssigkeitsaufnahme führt dazu, dass die Konsistenz von Fäkalien ungewöhnlich wird, dh härter und dichter wird. Konsistenz oder die Form von Fäkalien wie das, die die Schwierigkeit noch Schmerzen beim Stuhlgang machen wird.So, wenn wir nicht trinken automatische fees, die wir entfernen so hart, helle Ärzte mit Brille ini.Agar BAB reibungslos, fügte Dr. Hendra, die sein muss korrigiert wird zu der Zeit fasten und das Fasten brechen. Achten Sie darauf, viel Flüssigkeit zu trinken, um den Flüssigkeitsdefizit zu rehydrieren, wenn 12 Stunden nicht trinken, zusätzlich zu beachten, auch Ballaststoffe. Lesen Sie auch: Kaffee ist erlaubt, Fasten zu brechen, aber beobachten Sie diese Dinge (hrn / up)





Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Svegliarsi Dormire anche stanco, perché sì?

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Svegliarsi Dormire anche stanco, perché sì?


Jakarta, in pausa pranzo, ci sono alcune persone che scelgono di usare il tempo per fare un pisolino. Inoltre, dopo il pranzo è solitamente più facile chiudere gli occhi. Ma a volte, invece della sensazione di freschezza che deriva dal risveglio, è solo la stanchezza che diventa sempre di più. Qual è la causa? DetikHealth contattato, esperti di salute del sonno dall'ospedale Mitra Kemayoran, dr. Andreas Prasadja, RPSGT ha detto che questo dipende dalla qualità del sonno che qualcuno ha avuto prima. S dipende, ha dormito per quanto tempo. In media, se il pisolino non è un disastro, significa ancora mancanza di sonno, ha detto il dottore che si chiama familiarmente Dr. Ade ini.Baca Inoltre: non esitare, beneficia di un sano sonno corto durante il giorno detto da lui, alcune persone lì che hanno sempre un'ora di sonno inferiore a quella che dovrebbe essere, quindi ha un sonno 'debito'. Ad esempio, le persone che lavorano tutto il giorno fino a quando non possono riposare solo 3-4 ore al giorno. Inoltre, non sentirsi assonnato durante il giorno è in realtà un indicatore che qualcuno sta ricevendo un sonno di buona qualità. Quindi è importante dormire abbastanza di notte, pungkasnya.Baca anche: Photo Traffic Officer So Viral, Hard Worker o Hipersomnia?







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